Luella Gregory

Self-Confidence and Humility

Just in the last few weeks, I have visited with several people who struggle with self-marketing in their small business. As I shared with them, they are not alone.

All the feels.  

Growing up, I was taught to work in the trenches. Success in silence, right?

How do you balance confidence and humility in today’s culture (especially as a person of faith)? In today’s culture, if you do not share, are you overlooked?

Not to mention how much passion and thought that goes into everything, when you are a small business owner or entrepreneur. That is a whole other topic.

I don’t know the answer. I love supporting and encouraging others. The advice I give them is not always easy to implement in my own world. I struggle with self-marketing. There are days I feel more comfortable with the idea and there’s MANY days I draft something, then soon hit the backspace, delete, and move on to my next task. 

I think social media and the comparison thing also adds to the struggle: well they weren’t afraid, and look, now I am behind, etc. You do you, and stay in your lane, and try to focus on what is in your heart. I know it’s easier said than done. 

I think my best advice is: do the thing, post the post, share the work. Be yourself, and the sincerity will shine through. Try not to dwell or let the noise around you consume you or creep inside your heart in a way  that it is paralyzing your destiny and gifts. Keep pressing on.

Also, some self-love reminders for those who struggle with self-marketing and social media environments:

  • Be kind to yourself. Do not say things to yourself you would never say to others. It matters. 
  • Take a few minutes each morning to list things you enjoy, you’re grateful for, and talents/items that ignite the flames of passion in your belly. Try to not start your day opening up a social app and do the mindless scroll. Why do we internalize the actions of others we do not even have a close relationship with? I do not think God created us to consume so much information. 
  • Do something physical (get moving) or go outside. It boosts your brain juice, I promise!
  • Make a plan and write it down. I always feel better after writing things down, even if it is something I have to come back to, etc. 
  • AND always surround yourself with likeminded people who make you feel good and bring out the side and qualities you love and feel most like yourself. Quarters over pennies!

More to come, stay tuned.



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