Luella Gregory

Back to School Wishes

A momma’s heart—constantly tugged in several directions; joy, sadness, worry. The bittersweet moments of seeing them grow and learn, but wishing time could stand still, wanting one more special moment at a specific stage.

We send them off (grade school, Middle, High School, College), worrying if others will be kind, will they do their best, will they remember the important things? Will they find joy in their day? I hope so. New chapters bring new worries, new feelings, new emotions.

Some reminders I look to:

  • Our children were created for a time such as this.
  • God grants us a peace that surpasses all understanding. This is my go-to in all areas of life, there is a peace and comfort that God has this.
  • Our children were designed to be special and unique, they have individual talents, traits, and a special destiny that we can nurture in small ways, every day.
  • Carpenters, welders, artists, writers; there’s a place for everyone. Let us help nurture our children’s passions and help provide positive self-image.
  • The little things are the big things.
  • We live in such a hustle bustle society, that it is so easy to fall in the trap of a busy hectic life, that we can forget to relish in the mundane everyday blessings. This is something I work on every day (riding in the car to school and getting to spend that time with my boys; having AC on a cool day).
  • Let us look to our children as reminders of what life is about, they have a special way of putting us adults in check.

For all the Mommas, may you find peace and comfort in your journey, whatever that looks like.

Prayers for school administration, school staff, teachers, cafeteria staff, bus drivers, custodial staff, students, parents, grandparents, and guardians.

Wishing you the best.

Enjoy your day, week, and year.

Hugs + Blessings,

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Back to School Wishes

A momma’s heart—constantly tugged in several directions; joy, sadness, worry. The bittersweet moments of seeing them grow and learn, but wishing time could stand still,

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