Luella Gregory

Sounds of Whippoorwills

Growing up, my mom would always call me outside to listen to the whippoorwill sing, as the summer night fell.

Because of those memories, it is a soothing sound. I’ve always been amazed at their sense of will and determination. They sing their little hearts out for hours at nightfall, and then again in the early hours, as the sun rises. Easy to hear, but hard to see, as they are often camouflaged against the forest. I am convinced there’s a message in there somewhere. It’s not always what you see, but what you hear.



We too often overlook nature’s gifts and the treasures they bring us.

Dyk? According to Cornell University, “Eastern Whip-poor-wills lay their eggs in phase with the lunar cycle, so that they hatch on average 10 days before a full moon. When the moon is near full, the adults can forage the entire night and capture large quantities of insects to feed to their nestlings.”

It’s the little things. I love nature. What’s your favorite sight or sound that brings you peace as the day ends or begins.

I find that starting and ending the day in the right headspace is the key to finding your tune in life.



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